Friday, December 5, 2014

06-11-2014 Moment of Inertia Lab# 17


For this lab we had to calculate the moment of Inertia of a wheel then we would determine the time it takes a cart to fall when the string is attached to the cart and wheel.

We had to measure the diameter of the big disk and the diameter of the axle as well. Which are on the bottom of the board. Since we did not know the official mass we had to calculate it. In the end it was 4.159kg. Then once done we had to calculate the moment of inertia with all the collected measurements. It turned out to be I= 0.0207 kg*m^2.
Once finished with that we had to calculate how long it would take for a cart to roll down a ramp. since we are not given velocity we had to figure it out with our own method. We chose to video record the wheel rotating on LoggerPro and dot the motion to get it.
Then we graphed those points and fit it to a linear fit and used the slope as our velocity.
With the velocity now known we calculated the time that the cart should take for it to
roll down the track. Which turned out to be 8.27seconds.
Then we tested our theory and actually timed the rolling cart. But our time turned out to be 10 seconds. Meaning that our percent error was 17.3%

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