Friday, December 5, 2014

25-11-2014 Mass Spring Oscillations Lab#21


The purpose of this lab is to compare the spring constants and periods of multiple different springs.

In order for us to accomplish this lab in the short amount of time the class was split into two different groups. Then each side was assigned five different springs to test within groups of three or four people.

First everyone had to weigh the spring and right their mass on the board. Whosoever mass was the largest that was considered the constant while everyone else had to adjust their masses to compensate.

Then we had to use our own methods of getting the spring constant. We ended up measuring the distances with weight on the spring with a motion sensor. then graphed it and plugged in to the given formula. Our spring ended up being at period of .42 sec and 23.3N/m spring constant.

 With the recorded periods from the other groups we plotted the values.

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