Friday, December 5, 2014

18-11-2014 Angular Momentum Lab#19


The purpose of this lab is to find how high a ruler can swing if released from a leveled height and released only to collided and stick to a piece of clay.

We have a ruler with a hole drilled through it and attached to a force sensor even though it is not what is collecting data. Then we have a large piece of clay with tape wrapped around it for extra sticking power and it is sitting on a rod that is leveled with the ruler. We collect the data by video recording the motion and doting it as it moves.

However, before we do the experiment we have to do or calculations of what our height will be which was 0.303m.
After calculations were done we collected our data by recording the video.

So with the collected table the highest height recorded was 0.2325 m. With our theoretical being 0.303 or percent error was -30%.

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